Community Grant Program

Initial Interest Applications are due by March 31st of each calendar year. All applicants must submit an Initial Interest application in order to be considered for funding. Once Initial Applications are reviewed, SRF will email those applicants who have been selected to move forward with the application process. These announcements will be made on or before May 1st. Full applications are due by June 1st. Award announcements will be made by July 15th.

Application Information

Awards (up to $20,000 awarded per year)
Source Award: Up to $5000
Connection Award: Up to $2500
Inspiration Award: Up to $1000
Pilot Award: Up to $250

This program is intended for community projects/programs that aim to bridge psychedelic science and communities.

These projects/programs must be based in a community, involve members of that community, and must connect with the topics of psychedelic substance use, psychedelic science, or the cultural, ecological, clinical, or community processes associated with psychedelics. Funds must be used within one year. If more time is needed, then the awardee must submit a request for an extension to SRF.

Each application will be reviewed by a review board which consists of community members, SRF board members, and individuals with experience in the project focus or topic. Reviews are based on the quality and innovation of the project design, the merit of the applicant, their fellow community member’s recommendations, and the likelihood of successful outcomes of the project.

If you have any questions about eligibility or the application process please reach out via email to:

Diversity Statement
Individuals who identify as a member of a diverse ethnic, racial, gender, religious, or sexual orientation group are especially encouraged to apply. Projects that are designed to address gaps in our understanding of the ways in which ethnicity, race, gender, religion and sexual orientation intersect with each other and with multiple forms of oppression, are highly encouraged. Applicants who are hoping to explore the relationships between psychedelics and marginalized communities are also encouraged to apply. It is our hope that this grants program will serve to improve the understanding of and accessibility to the world of psychedelics for all communities, especially for BIPOC communities.

BIPOC Distinction

This distinction is intended for any applicants who identify as Black, Indigenous, or people of color. Special consideration will be given to those applicants who are also dedicated to serving BIPOC Communities through their work. The BIPOC distinction is awarded in addition to the funding awarded to grantees. 

Let’s meet up in the virtual world to share in the beauty of the natural world.